Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today I was bad.

I got ahold of a Carter's coupon & sort of had a temporary hormonal surge that made me think I could spend a lot of money on clothing for the twins. I just told Jon acout it, and he isn't too mad, but that's probably because I ended up getting some "help" to cover the costs, too. But it was so much fun to buy matching outfits. Soooooo much fun. A little too much fun! I can see I am going to have to curb my enthusiasm rather quickly, though.

Speaking of shopping, I also have my first order of diapers in from my friend Zaira's store. I have another installment coming towards the end of June & I am so excited. I am still uncertain as to how many diapers I will need for these boys, but I am sure it's a lot.

1 comment:

Melinda Sherman said...

just saw the belly pics. very cute! i would say you "popped" but i think that is an understatement. 2 babies sure makes a difference doesn't it? awesome!!!