Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Don't Buy Pink!

The babies are looking great! Both appear healthy. Heartbeats were 146 and 152. They were each measuring 3-7 days ahead & were approximately 6 inches long and 5 oz. Baby A is breech, so hopefully that baby will flip so I can deliver vaginally. Baby A is the one closest to the cervix, so they are the twin that determines how I can deliver. We got 70 photos and a 30 minute DVD. I've decided that it's too time consuming to edit the DVD into little snippets, so I will just post some pics. I wish she would have gotten a still pic of the two of them together. On the DVD, you can see how they are both sort of laying right on top of each other.

The tech guarantees that they are both 100% not-shy boys :)




Money Shots!





Jon & I are still going back and forth on names. We know that the middle names will be after our fathers (Richard and either Warren or Dean- my dad goes by his middle name, too). I gave Jon the responsibility of choosing from the 4 that we both like, because I like them all equally. Those names are: Austin, Jameson (Jamie), Cameron and Noah. He said he will decide by this weekend.

I'm a little bummed that I will not have a girl, but we've already been imagining our household as the boys grow up & I think it will be a lot of fun. We've already tossed around ideas like they can do all of the yardwork for us, they could be the next Jonas brothers or they could all be high school jocks... it's been fun to daydream!

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