Sunday, June 7, 2009

I had a great appt last Wednesday. The boys were good- I brought a portable DVD player with us & played Blue's Clues for them the whole time.

My cervical u/s was first. It went perfectly. My cervix is 5 cm, which is just fantastic. Then she got heartbeats on the boys. Baby A's heartrate was 149 & Baby B's was 156. Baby A is butt down still & Baby B is head down. Baby B was really active.

I gained 7 pounds in 4 weeks, which is also pretty much right on track. I need to gain a pound and a half for each week while I am in the second trimester (I guess I am one pound higher technically.) I am measuring 24 weeks. BP was 128/70, so my systolic was a little high, but not too bad.

I ended up getting the AFP (I think that's what it's called) testing. I wasn't going to, but he said that the u/s's might not show everything, so it was up to me. I decided to get it at the last minute, since it's going to be an overwhelming time anyway- might as well be prepared.

I go back in 2 weeks for another cervical check.

Here are the boys!



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