Sunday, October 11, 2009

Still Hanging in There!

I am 36 weeks along tomorrow (term for twins)! I can't believe I have made it this far & it's almost time to meet the twins!

My 35 week appointment was so uneventful. As wonderful as it was that I had absolutely no progression, it is also disconcerning! In the back of my mind, I wanted to see some progress, just to keep it in my mind that the end is in sight. But it is very good that the babies have stayed in there this long. At this point, we may even be able to avoid NICU time. I think that at 36 weeks, they don't necessarily go to the NICU automatically. I think it just depends at this point on how well they do at birth.

I'm still hoping for a vaginal birth. I really hope my doctor is available at the time I go into labor, because he is really pushing for it, too. I wonder how different this birthing experience is going to be! I believe they will do an ultrasound as soon as I am admitted to see the position of the babies & determine if it is possible. The recovery would be so much easier on me (most likely, that is).

We went on a hayride today, and I am wondering if that will move things along or not! I'm kind of back and forth about whether or not I want to go into labor yet or not. While I am so sick of being pregnant, I'm kind of used to it by now. This is also going to be my last pregnancy, so it's sort of bittersweet to be at the end of it. I'm NOT a good pregnant woman, in that I ache and moan a lot. It doesn't help that I have had an irritible uterus with both pregnancies. So don't get me wrong- I will be very happy to have my body back to normal. And of course, I want these babies to be as healthy as possible. Some women actually make it to 38 weeks (full term for twins) & have to be induced. I wonder if I can be one of those women? That would be pretty amazing.

I would have guessed that I would have given birth in the first week of October. Now if I had to guess again realistically, I would say sometime during this week. But right now, it is just so hard to tell, since I didn't really think I would make it this far.

I'm just trying to keep my mind busy so that I am not waiting around for labor. You know, the next post I make will either be my 36 week appointment update OR the twins' birthstory!

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