Thursday, September 24, 2009

Preparations, Waiting...

It's definitely more physically challenging now. Today was very hard on me, even though I barely did anything. It took a lot of motivation to just get off of the couch each time I needed to do anything. Poor Corbin is not getting much activity lately. Tuesday and Wednesday, we invited friends to come over for playdates. It was good to have some company. I just can't get out of the house by myself anymore, as lifting him in and out of the car is just out of the question. But today, we were on our own again.

Last week, my mom was in town & she helped us out tremendously by helping with Corbin, washing bottles and baby equipment & doing all of the laundry and baby clothing, blankets, etc. Next week, she will be back & I can't wait to have the help again.

A couple of months ago, we finished the nursery. I think everything is pretty much in its place already & ready to go. Here are some pics of the nursery:

Jameson's crib

Cameron's crib

View from the door


We kept it much more simple than Corbin's room was. We didn't get the bumpers (which we didn't use with Corbin anyway) or the quilt (likewise). We just went for function.

Great Grandma Kranz called today to let me know that the baby blankets are finished, so I can have the babies now! Right now, I am 33 1/2 weeks along, and that is only 1 1/2 weeks away from the average gestation of twins. I'd like to have them at 37 weeks, so that they don't have to spend any time in the NICU & that they are full term and healthy. But that is only 3 1/2 weeks away! Time is just sort of slipping away on me.

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