Saturday, July 11, 2009


I've had another appt since I last posted.

The babies are looking great. They are more active now- kicking all of the time.

I've gained 19 pounds according to the doctor, but 24 pounds according to my home scale. They should be about a pound each now- we have a growth ultrasound next week & I can update more after that.

Everything is great. I've been able to keep babysitting Ethan & can move (slowly) around the house & do errands in the mornings. By the afternoon, I am tired. I almost always take a nap & by the end of the day, I just sit on my butt.

I'm 23 weeks on Monday, which means that in 15 weeks or less, we will have these babies. I'm excited, but it's also very intimidating to think about!

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