Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've been waiting and waiting to post this, but we hadn't told all family yet, and so it had to wait until now.

We got our BFP on Thursday, February 26th at 10 DPO. It was very faint, but my trained eye is very good at seeing even a light positive result.


I showed Jon, but he couldn't quite make it out like I could. So, when he went to work, I headed out to the drugstore to get a digital (or two) test. Within a minute, both brands confirmed what I already knew in my heart:


So, our new baby that we are cautiously expecting is due November 9th, 2009. My first appointment is Friday, March 27th, and then we will have the ultrasound the following week. Please pray for a heatbeat!

Here is the shirt Corbin wore yesterday to tell his grandma KK & grandpa Rick (I blabbed to my parents the first day I knew):


This will be the new baby's blog. I am affectionately calling my new baby, "sticky bean" for now, because I am thinking positively.

I've had many pg symptoms, but not the same ones this time around, so far. They say every pregnancy is different. No true cravings yet, but meat sounds gross, unless it's full of salt. That might be okay. I just woke up from an hour and a half nap, so maybe the real fatigue is setting in now, too.


Jamie said...

Congrats, Jess! I am so excited for you. :)

Joy@WDDCH said...

Just found your blog because I'm looking for other newly pregnant mommas! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Come and visit me sometime if you're looking for another blog friend!